Previously on The Koch Brothers Mystery Show...

The Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special: Pennsylvania!

Holy horns of Helena Bonham Carter! It’s another Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special! Each week, we take an in-depth look at how our boy wonders, the Koch Brothers, are manipulating key swing states to keep things profitably hunky-dory. This week: Pennsylvania, land of Amish and cheese steaks! Plus: the week in review, and an all-new Alt Right Update!

The Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special: Ohio!

Great gargoyles of the greater Glendale area! It’s another Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special! Each week, we take an in-depth look at how our boy wonders, the Koch Brothers, are manipulating key swing states to keep things profitably hunky-dory. This week: Ohio, land of astronauts and unfortunately Cleveland! Plus: the week in review, and two special guests here to talk about cyber security!

The Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special: North Carolina!

Holy hell! It’s another Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special! Each week, we take an in-depth look at how our boy wonders, the Koch Brothers, are manipulating key swing states to keep things profitably hunky-dory. This week: North Carolina, land of being north of South Carolina. Plus: the week in review, and a brand-new Alt Right Update on the third and final presidential debate!

The Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special: Florida!

Great galloping gastroenterologists! It’s another Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special! Each week, we take an in-depth look at how our boy wonders, the Koch Brothers, are manipulating key swing states to keep things profitably hunky-dory. This week: Florida, land of sunshine and hospice care. Plus: an update on Oklahoma’s pesky earthquake problem, and a brand-new Alt Right Update on the second presidential debate!

The Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special: Georgia!

Holy hedonist handkerchiefs! It’s another Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special! Each week, we take an in-depth look at how our boy wonders, the Koch Brothers, are manipulating key swing states to keep things profitably hunky-dory.  This week: Georgia, land of peaches and sweat. Plus, the week in review, and Dr. RaiseTheStakes’ analysis of the vice presidential debate!

The Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special: Arizona!

Great ghosts of Greenspan! It’s another Koch Brothers (Glaring Absence From the) Election Special! Each week, we take an in-depth look at how our boy wonders the Koch Brothers are manipulating key swing states to keep things profitably hunky-dory.  This week: Arizona, land of cacti and Scottsdale. Plus, the week in review, and an all-new Alt Right Update from the debate!